Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Our Newest Op Ed
WFire This School Superintendent!
- By Warner Todd Huston
In yet another case of PCisms gone mad, superintendent Basan Nembirkow of the Brockton, Massachusetts school system has suspended a 6-year-old boy for sexual harassment of a girl student at Downey Elementary School.
Now, one might think by reading that first line that this Op Ed is just another example of a Conservative going over the top. After all, what does a 6-year-old know about sexual harassment? Well, that is certainly a good question. It's sad that it is a question that our intrepid superintendent, with all the many sheepskins presumably hanging on his office wall, didn't think of first.
It is a question that many others considered, though...................
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- By Warner Todd Huston
In yet another case of PCisms gone mad, superintendent Basan Nembirkow of the Brockton, Massachusetts school system has suspended a 6-year-old boy for sexual harassment of a girl student at Downey Elementary School.
Now, one might think by reading that first line that this Op Ed is just another example of a Conservative going over the top. After all, what does a 6-year-old know about sexual harassment? Well, that is certainly a good question. It's sad that it is a question that our intrepid superintendent, with all the many sheepskins presumably hanging on his office wall, didn't think of first.
It is a question that many others considered, though...................
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