Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Got a tip from Columnist Mark Steyn that today, May 9th, is “Europe Day”.
(Here is a bit about it on Cornell University’s site)
Well, break out the balloons and horns for the celebration. Of course, all that celebration paraphernalia should be colored black for it shouldn’t be a celebration we participate in as much as a time of mourning for Western civilization lost in Europe.
As France burns, as Germany can’t get below 15% unemployment for any large amount of time, as the Dutch, the Netherlands, Norwegians, Swedes et al find their national identity eclipsed by an uncontrolled Islamic invasion that wrecks their support systems and Balkanizes their society, as the Spanish and Italians turn back to the failed policies of socialism … well, Europe is imploding. Its history is being eliminated by socialist EU policies and unassimilated immigrants bringing their poverty and hatred with them from the Mid East.
So, the funeral procession is gathering waiting for the embalmer to be done with the body Europa. But, the dearly departed won’t have a quite and respectful funeral, for sure. Europe’s killers will be celebrating like drunken Rock stars destroying their hotel rooms and raping their way across the country.
Yes, a happy Europe Day to all of you.
-Warner Todd Huston
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